(+977) 1 597 0048
(+977) 1 458 4574
Gaushala, Bagmati Bridge
news & update
Nijgadh Tilganga Community Eye Hospital in Madhesh Province has officially been inugurated on 13 Nov...
#WorldDiabetesDay आज नोभेम्बर १४ अर्थात विश्व मधुमेह दिवस । विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठनका अनुसार स्वस्थ आ...
We wish you a very Happy Tihar 2081! May this festival of lights bring joy, prosperity, and happines...
Dear Sir/Madam, We have organized Botox & Fillers Workshop at Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology...
नेपाल आँखा कार्यक्रम, तिलगंगा आँखा अस्पतालका बरिष्ठ नेत्र रोग विषेशज्ञ तथा अकुलर अंकोलाजी तथा अकुलोप...
We would like to extend our #Congratulations to Dr. Tsendjargal Gantur from Mongolia (Fellowship in...
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