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Celebrating World Sight Day 2024
#CelebratingWorldSightweek “आँखालाई माया गरौं’ (बालबालिकाको आँखालाई विशेष ख्याल गरौँ)” (Love Your Ch...
Nepal Eye Program, Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology, has organized a "Comprehensive Skill Develop...
Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology (TIO) is inviting applications for its Fellowship Program in Len...
Sharing the highlights of the successful Microsurgical Eye Camp held at Kunde Hospital, Solukhumbu....
गत असोज २ र ३ गते, तिलगंगा आँखा प्रतिष्ठान र दुधौली नगरपालिका, सिन्धुलीको संयुक्त आयोजनामा र क्युर ब...
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