(+977) 1 597 0048
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Gaushala, Bagmati Bridge
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पर्साको पटेर्वा सुगौली गाँउपालिका वडा नम्बर ५ स्थित तिलगंगा सामुदायिक आँखा केन्द्र निचुटामा आयोजित ३...
#RolpaOMEC रोल्पाको लिबाङमा २८ देखी ३० गतेसम्म सञ्चालन गरिएको शिविरमा १ सय ३१ जनाको निःशुल्क मोतिबि...
We would like to extend our #Congratulations to Dr. Yonas Miku Teweldebirhan (Fellowship in Vitreo-r...
A Handover program of #GlobalGrant from Rotary Club of Bagmati was held on 19th Nov 2024 in the Audi...
We are thankful to Australian Catholic University (ACU), Australia for your continuous support of pr...
We congratulate Dr. Priyanka Shrestha from Kathmandu Medical College for completing the Short-term t...
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