District Community Eye Centre Solu is run as a branch of Nepal eye program, Tilganga institute of ophthalmology, Kathmandu with the local support of Himalayan Health & Environmental Services Solukhumbu (HHESS ) and financial support of Himalayan cataract project USA.
Available Clinical Services
- OPD Examination (Slit Lamp Bio microscopy ) / Clinical Services
- Refraction Test/ Cyclo Refraction Test
- Medicine and Spectacles dispensing
- Minor surgeries of Eye (Chalazion/ Pterygium /Conj. Cyst, warts/ Lid Abscess/ Entropion/ Ectropion/ FB Removal/ Epilating/ Suture Removal etc.)
- Investigation of Eye (IOP, Schirmer test, Fluorescein Stain Test, Syringing, Dilate etc)

Outreach Services
- School eye health program
- Eye Health Education / Counseling / Display of IEC material/ Public Health Initiative.
- Outreach activities (Community Screening Eye Clinics, / School Screening Eye Clinics /School Eye Health Program etc)
- Referral services (Central Eye Hospital & Higher Eye centre)
- Eye health program bro-casting on community radio Solu FM

Opening Hours : Sun-Fri 08:00 am to 04:30 pm
Incharge: Pushpa Babu Basnet
Contact Number: 038-520338
Email: [email protected]