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Notice for Application

  • 2024-07-18 10:23:58
#AdmissionNotice Technical Education and Vocational Training Council, Examination Control Office, Sanothimi Bhaktapur has started distribution of new admission forms for Certificate Level Ophthalmic Science Program for a full fee from date 2081/03/16 for the Academic Session 2081/82 in Tilganga School of Ophthalmic Science. This notice is published for information. It is informed that various arrangements have been made regarding the application form of the Council, conduct of entrance examination for diploma and certificate level, scholarship distribution, and admission-related guidelines, 2081. Fill the form to enroll in the application process: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeLzFsrMjud-gC9JJauYqfN7T9XfaLegZWol4v9FNBqOlztMw/viewformapplication