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MoU signed between TIO and Rotary Club of Tripureswor

  • 2023-03-29 15:13:49

On 26th March 2023, Nepal Eye Program/Tilganga Institutes of Ophthalmology, Nepal Eye Bank, and Rotary Club of Tripureswor signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the sponsorship of corneal transplant.

The objective of the MoU is to provide the opportunity to initiate a pilot project that has the potential for wider replicability and scalability to provide the life-changing gift of “eyesight” through corneal transplant for those who are suffering from otherwise irreversible blindness for the most vulnerable and economically disadvantaged. 

 Chief Executive Officer Dr. Reeta Gurung on behalf of the NEP/TIO and President Prakash Ratna Tuladhar, on behalf of the Rotary Club, Tripureswor signed the MoU.